Practice of Law in Iowa - Protection for Whom?
Volume 4, Number 18, August 1997
by George C. Leef, J.D.
Like every state except Arizona, Iowa
declares that the "practice of law" is restricted to licensed
attorneys. Under Court Rule 118A, the State Bar's Unauthorized Practice of Law
(UPL) Com- mittee is empowered to investigate and register complaints against
people engaging in legal practice without a license and those so accused must
show cause why they should not be enjoined from continuing to do so.
This is supposedly justified by the public's need for "integrity and
competence." I call it turf protection.
It is deeply ingrained in the legal profession that
only bar members can be competent to do what lawyers do. Without UPL statutes,
wrote the President of the State Bar of Michigan in 1996, the public would be
at the mercy of "incompetent pretenders who hold themselves out as able to
give legal advice." That sounds terrible - but is it true?
In my view, it is not. The proponents of UPL (and
licensing statutes generally) vastly overesti- mate the extent of consumer harm
that would occur in a free market backed up with remedies for breach of
contract, misfeasance, or fraud. At the same time, they underestimate - or,
more often, entirely ignore - the harm that licensing does in driving up costs
and reducing availabil- ity. They provide little if any added deterrence to
incompetent performance and resulting con- sumer harm, but they block a great
number of beneficial transactions from occurring - a bad trade-off.
In a competitive market, building a reputation for
successful service is extremely important. Going into any kind of business
means a personal commitment of time and money, a commit- ment that is put at
risk by failure. People try to make sure that they are good enough to meet the
competition and satisfy consumer expectations before they go into a business or
That's why you find very few "duds" in
any free market. Self-interest and the high cost of failure prospectively
filters out most incompetence. Just as licensed attorneys nearly always stick
to the areas of the law they know, so do unlicensed practitioners where they
are free to operate. The cost of giving bad service is a powerful incentive not
to do so.
The consumer's self-interest also plays a role
here. The more is at stake, the more carefully he shops. He gathers information
to assess the likelihood that a service provider will do a good job. Referrals,
business location, longevity - consumers consider these and other indicators of
competence. Rich or poor, consumers are usually pretty careful to see that they
get maximum value for their money.
The self-interest of both buyers and sellers works
to filter out most harmful transactions. It is noteworthy that in the era
before lawyer licensing, there was no public outcry against incompe- tent
attorneys. The bar sought the UPL statute, not the public.
Licensing imposes an arbitrary and very costly
barrier to entry into legal practice. No one is allowed to "practice
law" (a phrase with no clear definition) unless he becomes a member of the
bar. Doing that requires a law degree (three years of study in an American Bar
Association "approved" school) and passing the bar exam (months of
cramming). When you consider the implicit and explicit costs, becoming an
attorney means an investment in excess of $100,000. That keeps a lot of
people out and raises the cost of hiring those who do become
"authorized" to practice.
All that studying is neither necessary nor
sufficient to make a person competent to assist others with legal problems. Law
school gives the would-be lawyer a wide, but shallow, introduction to the law.
The bar exam tests to see if he has memorized a lot of minutiae. Putting these
two together, however, is no assurance that the newly-minted lawyer knows how
to handle any real- world problem. Most lawyers readily admit that the real
business of learning lawyering begins after admittance to the bar.
And it is also true that people can learn a lot
about fields of the law without going to law school. A tax accountant can know
the IRS Code every bit as well as a lawyer can. A company's unemployment-compensation
specialist can know the state's law on that subject inside and out. There is
nothing magical about law school. In the 19th century, when people had a
choice, most aspiring lawyers did not go to law school, but rather learned as
apprentices. (Law school, inci- dentally, was never more than two years; often
Where lawyers face competition, fees are lower. In
1995, the State Bar of New Jersey attempted to have real estate closings
declared the "practice of law" and thereby change the longstanding
practice of allowing laymen to do closing work in the southern part of the
state. The Supreme Court of New Jersey, in refusing to grant the bar's wishes,
found that settlement costs were significantly lower in southern New Jersey
compared to northern New Jersey where a lawyers- only rule was followed.
Furthermore, there was no evidence of consumer harm from allowing people to
compete freely.
In Arizona, which has had no UPL statute since
1986, people can choose between attorneys and unlicensed legal practitioners
for their needs. For difficult legal problems they nearly always go to an
attorney, but if they mistakenly go to a non-attorney who can't handle the
matter, he refers the individual to an attorney. In fact, referrals in both
directions are common. Many consumers have saved money because of competition;
others have obtained help they might not otherwise have been able to afford.
Arizona's free legal services market works well, despite the bar's predictions
of disaster back in 1986.
Ultimately, though, this isn't just a dollars and
cents issue - it's an issue of liberty. Why should the government decide who
is to be allowed to serve you? Why should an individual face the prospect
of punishment just for contracting to perform a service for another willing
person? Freedom and economic efficiency would both be enhanced by the repeal of
the state's UPL prohibition.
George Leef is President of
Patrick Henry Associates, a firm in East Lansing, Michigan devoted to the
preservation of liberty.
Reprinted by permission from INSTITUTE BRIEF, a
publication of Public Interest Institute."