Nolo v. Texas -- Nolo
Declares Victory
Nolo is proud to declare
victory after a two year struggle against an official Texas Supreme
Court Committee bent on
banning Nolo's products from Texas. In a letter sent to Nolo's Texas
attorney Pete Kennedy
dated September 21, 1999, the Unauthorized Practice of Law
Committee announced its
decision to drop its investigation of Nolo and other self-help law
publishers. The
Committee's decision to fold its cards was based on a Texas statute signed into
law in June of 1999 (HB 1507) that exempts
publications and products such as Nolo's from the
unauthorized practice of
To get the benefit of
the new statute, Nolo and other publishers are supposed to put statements
on their products that
the product is not a substitute for advice from a lawyer. Although it always
seemed obvious to us
that consumers can tell the difference between a book and a lawyer, we
will be happy to
accommodate the Texas legislature in this matter.
Nolo's victory is also
the victory of the George/Donaldson law firm (our Texas lawyers) and the
many people and organizations
throughout the country who pitched in to support Nolo and its
constitutional right to
publish and distribute its products in Texas. We especially wish to thank
the American Association
of Law Libraries, the Texas Library Association, and the five
individual Texans who
joined with Nolo in a lawsuit that proved to be an important factor in
getting HB 1507 through
the Texas Legislature and by the Governor's pen.
Chronology of Events
Links to the text of
correspondence and major legal filings, organized by date.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions about the
attempt by Texas lawyers to ban self-help
law materials.
Cases, Articles and
Nolo articles, cases
and other materials about
self-help law,
unauthorized practice of law,
free speech and other
related legal issues.