(“the large print”)
this website’s visitor has visited this website and did so for reasons unknown
to its creators;
this website consists of valuable proprietary information and intellectual property
presently unknown to its visitors;
this website’s visitor is free to accept or reject whatever they might learn by
their visit;
is then necessary that this website’s visitor expressly agrees not to disclose
any of the information presented to them herein to any third party; it is
expressly agreed to that there shall be no disclosure to any third parties
without this website’s creator’s prior express written consent. While the information presented in this site
is from sources deemed reliable, this site’s creators cannot always guarantee
its accuracy because they cannot control the security, or the lack thereof, of
the servers maintained by the website host.
All visitors are therefore encouraged to contact the webmaster if any of
the content appears changed, out of place, or odd, and we will investigate.
is also agreed that this website’s visitor, or any third party, may not use the
information presented to them, herein, in any capacity, including, but not
limited to, unauthorized
copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and/or web or
broadcasting, all of which are strictly prohibited.
agreement is made privately and without reservation. This agreement is governed by the maxim, “live honestly, injure
no one, and give everyone their just due,” and by the terms of his
agreement. Any and all laws, including
political laws, of any kind, are expressly excluded from this agreement. Political laws include, but are not limited
to, constitutions, statutes, codes, regulations, charters, ordinances, and laws
of any countries, nations, states, counties, towns, cities, etc. This website’s visitor agrees to hold its
creators harmless by their use or misuse of this website’s contents.
website’s visitor hereby agrees that if the terms and conditions of this
agreement is breached, they agree to pay this website’s creators, in silver or
gold, damages in a sum equal to the value of whatever funds, property, rights
to property or interest, of whatever kind, in any capacity, is derived from the
use of this website’s contents in whatever form or in whatever manner use is
visiting this website, this website’s visitor agrees to be bound by all the
terms and conditions found within this web page and/or any other web page found
throughout this website without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. A visit to this website is sufficient to
bind its visitors.
to on the day and time this website is first visited, from whatever page entry
is first made.