courts' deserve better
for justices of the peace outdated, inadequate
Nov. 25, 2001
Help wanted: Men or women needed to dispense justice. No
necessary. Good pay. The
successful applicant will preside over preliminary
hearings on criminal felony
cases; rule on civil cases up to $10,000; handle small
claims such as homeowner
association disputes; grant orders of protection when
domestic violence is
alleged; handle criminal misdemeanors and traffic cases.
Must be at least 18 years
old, a resident of Arizona and able to read and write
English. No background
check or references necessary. Those interested in
joining this group of highly
paid elected officials should apply to voters.
Astonishing? Yes.
Fiction? No.
Arizona's qualifications for
justice of the peace don't begin to reflect the
importance of the job.
During the past fiscal year,
justice courts processed 854,028 filings, which
represents 35 percent of the
entire court caseload in Arizona, according to the
Supreme Court. Justice
courts collected nearly $50 million dollars in revenue.
The average person is more likely to come in contact
with one of these courts of
limited jurisdiction than
any other court. The quality of justice he or she receives
is not only of great
personal concern, it will also leave a lasting impression about
the entire third branch of
If she's lucky, she won't
get a judge who's engaged in criminal misconduct.
Or prone to doze off on the
Or given to making fun of people's names.
If he's lucky, he'll get one
of the many hard-working, honest and careful justices
of the peace who serve in
But justice should not
depend on luck.
Arizona's justice courts
should not be built on judicial qualifications that were
recognized as outdated
five decades ago.
Since 1952, seven major
court reform studies recommended changes to the
state's justice courts. But
not much changed.
The qualifications to become
a justice of the peace remain at rock bottom.
Those who oppose raising the
qualifications offer an appealing and misleading
argument. They say JP courts
are the people's courts, and therefore these courts
should be accessible to
everyone. That means, they say, JP courts should be run
with common sense by average
In truth, all courts
should be the people's courts, and all courts should be
accessible to all people.
That's the promise of America's justice system. In truth,
education, experience and a
felony-free background do not negate common
sense. They enhance it.
In today's complex world, a
judge dealing with a $9,999 legal dispute had better
bring more than good sense
to the decision-making process. The stakes are high:
the result could ruin a
family financially. In today's violent world, a judge deciding
whether to issue an order of
protection had better be making the decision based
on facts and the law. The stakes are even higher: victims
of domestic violence can
be in mortal danger.
Judges - all judges - need
to understand the law. They need to know the
importance of basing their
decisions on the law, not their personal views or
opinions. Education won't
ensure that, but it helps.
Other courts of limited
jurisdiction have evolved far beyond justice of the peace
courts. Municipal courts, which are run by cities to
deal with violations of city
ordinances, insist on judicial qualifications that
reflect the importance of the job.
In most Arizona cities with
municipal courts, the judges are chosen by the city
council based on
qualifications outlined in the city ordinance. In Phoenix, these
judges must be lawyers.
Municipal courts are
people's courts, too. But here, people have a reasonable
expectation that the judge
is qualified.
Ironically, municipal judges
generally have to measure up to a higher standard,
but justices of the peace
have more jurisdictional authority.
In addition to an
understanding of the law, higher standards could help ensure
that justices of the peace
realize the importance of a strict code of conduct.
Statistics and individual
cases (see accompanying box) argue convincingly that
too many of them don't.
In the 30 years the Arizona
Supreme Court's Commission on Judicial Conduct
has been responding to
complaints about judges, there have been 45 cases
where it found reason to
bring formal charges against a judge. Twenty-seven of
those cases were against
justices of the peace. Two of the three judges removed
from the bench in the past
30 years were justices of the peace. Two other
justices of the peace
recently resigned after felony convictions.
Justices of the peace do an
important job. The qualifications to become a justice
of the peace should reflect that.
TOMORROW: Why merit
selection makes sense for justices of the
JPs on merit is only sane approach
not slogans and back-slapping, should be criteria
Nov. 26, 2001
Arizona is of two minds when
it comes to selecting judges.
One is sane, sensible and
nationally recognized as wise.
The other is pure
Moving the selection of
justices of the peace in Pima and Maricopa counties into
the sane category would be a
major improvement in the state's judicial system.
The sane approach is merit
selection. Under it, judges on the Appeals Court and
the Supreme Court and
Superior Court judges in Pima and Maricopa Counties
are appointed from a
qualified pool of candidates. In this system, an independent
panel identifies several
candidates who meet high standards of education and
professionalism. The governor
appoints a judge from among those names.
The person who takes the
bench understands the job and has the training and
temperament to do it.
The political approach
applies to justices of the peace statewide and Superior
Court judges in the rural
counties. In this system, the woman or man who can
raise the most money, make
the best-sounding campaign slogans and back-slap
most effectively gets the
black robe.
The one who wins the bench
will be a successful politician, but that individual
may lack the understanding,
education or temperament to do the job.
A merit-selected judge isn't
beholden to those who finance his or her campaigns.
Elected judges may find
themselves presiding over cases involving people whose
contributions helped put
them into office. The potential for conflict - and
- is considerably greater.
The best solution would be
to choose all the state's judges through merit
selection. Rural counties
have not chosen to take that option, but they should
strongly consider it.
Pima and Maricopa counties
would make a large and consistent leap toward a
better judiciary by
requiring merit selection for justices of the peace.
The current system would
have to be modified to reflect the more local nature of
Justice Courts. A widely
hailed 1995 study into how to improve courts of limited
jurisdiction suggested that
the presiding Superior Court judge of each county
head a county merit
selection panel. Under this proposal, panel members would
be appointed by members of
the Pima or Maricopa county Boards of
Supervisors and the state
Bar Association.
The panels would identify
qualified individuals who demonstrated the kind of
common sense and
understanding of the legal system essential for good judges.
Justices of the peace would
be appointed from this group.
Voters would still have a
say. A simplified retention system, similar to the one
currently in use for
appointed judges, would provide an independent evaluation of
a judge's performance. During
periodic retention elections, voters would use that
information to determine
whether a justice of the peace should be remain on the
The recommendations of this
study committee, which was appointed by
then-Chief Justice Stanley
Feldman and headed by Martin Shultz, provide a good
place to begin to structure
a merit selection system for justices of the peace.
The proposals in that
report, which are far broader and more far reaching than
simply moving to merit
selection for justices of the peace, were met with
enthusiasm by most members
of the judiciary. Several bills were drafted to
achieve the improvements.
Politics stopped the
bills and the momentum for change.
It's time to get it moving
Justice Charles Jones, who
will become the chief justice in January, has indicated
an interest in doing just that. He deserves strong
support from other judges,
lawmakers, the Governor's
Office and the business community.
The reform should take the politics
out of the selection of lower court judges in
the state's two most
populous counties. It's the sane and sensible thing to do.
TOMORROW: Why salary
reform makes sense for justices of the
Nov. 27, 2001
Taxpayers who sign paychecks
for the state's 83
justices of the peace have a right to expect a simple
and easy-to-understand
salary schedule.
Instead they have a system
characterized as a "beast"
by Arizona Chief Justice
Thomas Zlacket. A system
that provides a "perverse
incentive," says Martin
Shultz, who chaired a
committee to reform the lower
The Shultz committee's 1995 report said justice of
peace salaries "are set
by a complex formula that is
susceptible to inaccuracy
and abuse." Recommended
reforms didn't happen then.
They should happen now.
That statutory formula for
paying justices of the peace
puts their salaries within a
range of 25 percent to 70
percent of a superior
court judge's pay, which is
$120,750. A JP earning the maximum salary would
get in excess of $84,000 a
year. But JPs also make
money performing marriage
ceremonies. In addition,
some JPs simultaneously
serve as municipal court
judges and get a separate salary for that. Superior
Court judges are prohibited
from getting paid in two
The determination of what
percentage of a Superior
Court judge's salary a JP gets is made with
credits" that a judge earns for the cases
filed in his or her
courtroom. A judge with
credits gets the full 70
But the statute does not say that's a full-time salary,
and a justice of the peace
earning maximum salary
could take another job and
leave pro tem judges to do
the work in justice court.
That's happened in the past,
says David Byers of the
Administrative Office of the
Courts. He says the statute
addresses how many
cases are filed, not how
many a JP actually hears.
The fact that
"incorrect reporting of case filings can
erroneously increase or
decrease salaries" was cited
by the Shultz commission as
one reason to reform the
salary system. Another
reason was that the current
system, in effect, links
judges' salaries to law
enforcement activity. A police chief who wanted to
hurt a justice of the peace
could set a speed trap on
either edge of that JP's jurisdiction, depriving the JP of
cases that would ordinarily
be filed in his or her court -
and possibly lowering the
judge's pay.
This messy system for
setting pay was devised as a
way of fairly compensating
both urban JPs, who
handle a great many cases,
and rural ones, who are
generally not as busy. Some
method of balancing
those differing workloads is
needed. The current
system is clearly not the
best way.
That's why reforming it was
among the 38
recommendations made in the
comprehensive and
highly praised report issued
by the Shultz commission.
Five bills outlining
reform of the lower courts landed in
the Legislature as a result
of that effort. None of them
Not one.
It is in the best interest
of Arizona residents that some
of those proposals be
revised and returned to
lawmakers. Six years of
inaction and a growing
rogues' gallery of bad-boy
JPs add urgency to the call
for reforms.
It's time taxpayers
understood what's going on.